Each year, in common with all Church of England parishes, The Parish of Up Holland and Dalton hold an Annual Meeting (officially two meetings, which are “The Annual Meeting of Parishioners” and the “Annual Parochial Church Meeting”), the first meeting sees the election of the Church Wardens, and the second meeting sees the election of new PCC members and the presentation of the Annual Report which includes the parish accounts for the previous year.
The Annual Report – is the official report from the Parochial Church Council and when accepted at the annual meeting it becomes the official report of the charity, copies of the report are sent to the Charity Commission (and is displayed on their website) and also to the Diocese of Liverpool. The Report includes our inspected accounts and an account of some of the year’s activities as well as lists of (for example) PCC members and other official information which relates to the charity.
The Report for 2024 is available via the top link below, and the minutes will be made available as soon as possible after the Annual General Meeting.
If you have any questions about either report, please contact us