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Up Holland and Dalton Parish Services

This is a list of weekly services that regularly occur within our parish. Please do check with your local church for any variations, especially where stated. Some midweek services may have to move to accommodate funerals.

Find out what's happening on and around the Platinum Jubilee celebrations on the What's On page

St Thomas the Martyr Church,

Up Holland



Eucharist    9am

Eucharist with hymns   10.30am


Eucharist   7pm


Eucharist   10am

St Michael and All Angels Church,


Eucharist with hymns   10.30am


Prayer Group   10.00am

Christ the Servant Church,


We are currently closed for repairs at this time and we would love to see you at one of the other services we offer in the parish at this time.

Eucharist is the biblical word which means 'Thanksgiving' and is also

called Holy Communion, Mass or The Lord's Supper

and refers to the last meal Jesus had with his disciples.

When the bread and wine at the eucharist are blessed,

Christians believe we are remembering Jesus

and being empowered to love and serve as he does.

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